، Saturday, 27 July, 2024
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HSE, OHSAS 18001, HACCP, ISO 14001

Translating HSE Books from English to Farsi

Translators (English to Farsi)
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  •  » HSE Portal
  • Iranian HSE Portal
    Iranian HSE Portal is established for non-profit making purposes and the membership fee earned from members will be spent to expand membership advantages and to support scientific and research activities.  
    University lectures and professors, students and graduates of safety, occupational health and hygiene, environmental health, environmental protection and HSE, other related disciplines and firefighters are allowed to apply for the membership. Other people who have job responsibilities in the above-mentioned fields or interested to the topics could also apply for the membership. 
    We Respect and Support Scientific Activities

    In the Institute we respect the science and support activities in the following fields which are aimed to enhance the public and professionals knowledge for a safe and healthy living and working environment.

    To encourage Iranian HSE Portal members to take part in scientific activities and provide papers for conferences, which is aimed to share the findings with others, the Institute supports conferences and offer some facilities for HSE Portal members who provide papers to the conferences supported by the Institute.more
    The Institute also supports writing and translating useful books. HSE Portal members and other professionals who are interested to write or translate books from other languages to Persian will enjoy the Institute's full support and services.  more